Commissioned by Ministry of National Economics and funded by Islamic Bank For Development, EMC - Management & Engineering Consultants worked for the Palestinian Ministry of National Economics to develop the National Product Support Strategy and Development Plan. The overall initiative aims to develop the Palestinian strategic plan to support the national products for three years with clear objectives and development interventions to meet these objectives.
The goal was to increase the competitiveness and market share for national products throughout raising the quality of national products and enhancing the national product culture in the Palestinian society.
EMC-Management & Engineering Consultants has worked for the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to prepare a Criteria for Award (CfA) assessment to evaluate a potential partner’s financial and administrative capacities as well as specifying areas for further development. The assessment was an initial step towards planning certain program interventions in the area of organizational development.
EMC-Management & Engineering Consultants worked with KAIZEN company LLC. to provide payroll services for local staff working for the Renewable Energy Project in Plaestine.
Funded by the GIZ, the main objective of this project was to conduct a comprehensive diagnostic study for Consumer Protection Department (staffing, equipment, rules and regulations affecting MSMEs, systems, manuals) as well as studying the relationship between the Consumer Protection Department at MNE and Consumer Protection Council. This project has led to the general goal of institutionalizing the work of the department.
EMC-Management & Engineering Consultants worked with Future Pioneers Association to provide project planning and time management services for the construction of the new campus for the Pioneers Baccalaureate School in Nablus city in Palestine.
Founded by the GIZ and USAID, EMC-Management & Engineering Consultants has conducted several capacity building and training programs for several institutions in the field of project management and program evaluation.
EMC-Management & Engineering Consultants has conducted several strategic planning, International Standards (ISO), and business development training courses for several clients.